Righteous Lot, Forgotten Hero

“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:4;NASB

In this article, we will specifically focus on a man named Lot, the nephew of the famous patriarch Abraham from the book of Genesis. We will convincingly defend the righteous character of this great man of God and present the reader with an understanding that has been lost or forgotten for many centuries. Our understanding of the events on Lot’s doorstep stands in stark contrast to all of the Bible commentaries at our disposal which portray this great hero Lot in an unrighteous light. Yes, virtually all Bible commentaries, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks, promote the same libelous reputation of this great man of God. They offer such abject descriptions of his character as a tragic, weak, frail, greedy, self-serving, uncaring, accomplice to attempted rape, and many other such slanders. Yet the New Testament at 2Peter 2:7-8 unequivocally states that Lot was a just and righteous man of God. Consequently, the truth, as it becomes unraveled in this article, contains a very far-reaching and shocking reality that will not only change your view of the past but may very well affect our future as well.

What you are about to read is not some new understanding. We believe it has been forgotten and confused for many years. The early church fathers knew the truth surrounding righteous Lot. So did the rabbinical teachers previous to the New Testament era. The numerous writers of the Dead Sea scrolls along with the translators of the Septuagint knew. Now you will know. Simply and truthfully said, Lot was a Godly hero and is due respect and high honor!

Besides setting the record straight on Lot’s history and reputation, this writing is sure to spark controversy amongst many fundamentalist Christians who preach hatred towards homosexuals. In this article, you will encounter a completely different understanding of the events in Genesis 19 that occurred outside Lot’s house in Sodom some 4,000 years ago. Homosexual gang rape or any other form of homosexual activity was most assuredly not the sin nearly accomplished that fateful night!

An awareness of the culture in Lot’s world is vital to understanding the conclusions that are made along the way in this article. Therefore, we ask the reader to start from the beginning and methodically read through to the end.

We also recommend keeping both an open mind and an open Bible handy in order to reference our comments as you read along.


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