Lot, the hero

Lot, the hero

When we left off with Lot, he was still at home with his special guests while the entire community of Sodom stood outside his home demanding the supernatural angelic guests be brought out. The inhabitants of this community wanted these angelic beings for the purpose of impregnating their waiting daughters, not some homosexual gang rape as has been erroneously taught in the past. These people would have been aware of the gigantic superhuman offspring from such unions in the past. In fact, rumor had it the practice had already begun again in their midst. Had one or more mutant offspring already been born in their community? Or maybe in some other community nearby? Some evidence suggests the defilement by the fallen ones with human women began closer to Gen. 13:13.

These giant offspring would have been considered a great blessing from the fertility gods. Most of mankind’s entire spiritual mindset then focused on the many different pagan gods of fertility. These unions would have produced a being that was often larger, stronger, smarter, and far more powerful compared to the regular humans around them. What great armies could have been marshaled with such massive giants. They would have provided a conquering and dominating force over the other empires around them. Remember that this same community had been conquered previously resulting in Abraham coming to the rescue of Lot and others. With armies of giants, the nations around them would not easily consider attack. The inhabitants in the cities of the plain near Lot would have been aware of some not too distant neighbors who already had giant mutants. They would have respected these people and feared them greatly. But even more so, they would have wanted to be like them.

The potential wealth posed by having these giants produced from angel/human marriage proved to be a potent drug of monstrous proportions. While realizing the immediate gratification and seeming benefit of giant mutants, the people had no idea what evil was present. These mutant offspring were not natural to the world that God had created and intended for mankind. God made a world to provide mankind with a way to grow and ultimately qualify to become members of the very family of God. Our adversary, the Devil, had again begun a process by which it might have been possible to wreck the plan of God. Jesus Christ was to eventually lay aside His glory and coming later in the flesh to live and die to save mankind (John 3:16). Lot would not allow the Devil to prevent this from happening.

Lot knew full well what was about to take place. He knew he had to step up to the plate and make a stand for God. He was aware of how these events could again cause the very destruction of all mankind. Lot was righteous. He could not and would not allow this monstrous evil to happen. Lot must have known what these so called neighbors of his thought. Shouting outside his front door, they would have assumed Lot was somehow influencing these supernatural beings to impregnate his own daughters. They would have assumed Lot was being selfish with these supernaturals and keeping the wealth for himself. Thus, they demanded their own daughters have access to the seeds of the gods. In their minds, Lot had to be extremely selfish to keep this supernatural semen for his daughters alone. Maybe they thought they could force unions with their own daughters if they could work together as a team against these supernatural studs. Their anger with Lot would have built as they considered how he was already probably the richest man in Sodom. He also wasn’t originally from these parts, and it was their arrogant opinion that rights to these other-worldly juices were due them, if anyone!

Caught in this predicament, Lot had only one option. He would offer his two virginal daughters to the mob outside as proof that this evil was not happening under his roof as they assumed. He knew he had to act quickly, and this was the only solution he could see. He loved his daughters; in fact, righteous and Godly men tend to be good fathers. Lot had been a good father like few others in the surrounding world. Thus his actions should not in any way be interpreted as giving his daughters up to be raped as many have taught. Lot offered to bring his daughters outside only to outwardly prove to those in Sodom that his daughters were not going to be a part of the sinister activities that they wanted their own daughters to engage in. Those who try and teach that righteous Lot was willing to give his daughters up to be raped are totally off base and wrong. He was merely attempting to show the mob his daughters in order to thwart any violence against God’s plan for us all. This action eloquently demonstrates his faith in God and love for all of mankind. Only through faith in his great God, was Lot able to stand against the mob and even offer to bring his daughters outside. Lot was not the weak and tragic figure so many have wrongly promoted. Lot was a righteous man of God with few equals in faith!

The mob didn’t want Lot’s daughters. They wanted supernatural semen. They were full of pride and arrogance that fueled their goal of riches and dominance over weaker and poorer humans. They didn’t care what the consequences would be ultimately. They were determined to take whatever actions needed to accomplish their goal. Against this, Lot stood alone outside his front door that fateful night making a stand for God and mankind. What courage he must have had to stand and defend God against this angry mob ready to go through him. His actions exemplify love and unselfish faith of the highest order. Lot took a chance on his everything for God’s sake. Maybe for your sake as well!


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